King's Business - 1942-07


July, 1942


t for a word. “Cov . . . cov . . . covet; hère It is. ‘Covet: to be eager to pos­ sess, to desire that which belongs to another.’ ” And sitting there on the floor with the dictionary in her lap,. MaTcia suddenly grasped a great truth. Jane had won that, prize fairly, for she had said more verses correctly than had any one else in the group. And yet she, Marcia Turner, was still wishing for the prize that was Jane’s. The verse Said “. . . nor anything that is thy neighbor’s,” and her father was only making that fit the case when he made that strange mistake on purpose. Marcia replaced the dictionary in the bookcase, and then, with the happiness that comes from deciding to do right because it is right, she hunted up her Mother and said: “Mother, may I go over to Seë Jane Liggett this afternoon?” Defense B y J ames B arret M c C ormick * Our country has a great Na v y , Army, and Air Force and large fac­ tories to make ammunition, guns, bombs, torpedoes, and many other weapons, all to protect its home shores. In the homes we have insur­ ance for theft, fire, quakes, and many other things. The housewives hear a lot about keeping the family well with vitamins, cereals, food, and everything imaginable. Our fathers hear a lot about their cars, about de­ fense against fuel knock, motor trou­ ble, and everything else. AH this is defense. What has, the Christian got to pro­ tect himself from the tempter? I will tell you. The Christian has the Bible. You may say, “What good is a book |in war time?” First: This is not a plain ordinary book. This is God’s holy Word. In the Bible it says nn Hebrews 4:12: “For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two- edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, .and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and in­ tents of the heart,” even into the hardest of hearts. Second: Faith is what all Chris­ tians have. To be a Christian, you must have faith that'‘God will enter into ybur soul and take full posses- ■ ■Sion of it. For fafth we have a shield, “the Shield of faith”'(cf. Eph. 6:11-19). But we shall nèed no backplate, for wé shall never turn our backs on the *James McCdrhltck is twelve years did, a member 6f the Immanuel Baptist Church o f Pasadena, Calif. The message on “ de~ fehsey> wai delivered to the Junior High Christian Endeavor Society of that same church in September of ISM.

gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. If we put on the whole armor of God and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, we'Shall live in heaven where no sickness can be found. You’ve all been sick . sometime; nobody likes to be sick. In heaven we have' everything we want. When we. get to heaven we shall know everything we need to know (Rev. 21:4-7). So Won’t you put on the whole ar­ mor of God ’and go into heaven where no sickness is, where we shall have everything we want,, where we shall know everything, where no wars are to be found? So let us take the shield of faith, put on our shoes of peace, our loins girt with truth and having the breast­ plate of righteousness, take the hel­ met of salvation and above all the sword—the Bible, God’s Word—and go out into all the world and preach- the gospel of the Lord Jesus our Saviour, so that others may go to the heavenly place, too. Is Your Name “ Elisabeth"? Away back in the days of Moses, the Israelites often had names be­ ginning or ending with a word which referred to God. Thus, Jacob called the spot where he saw the angels “Beth El,” meaning, “The House of God,” and his own new name, "Is­ rael,” meant “prevailing with God.” “El,” then, standing f.or God, is to be found in several Bible names. Here is a case in point, for Elisabeth means “The oatK of God” or “ God h a t h sworn,” in memory of the covenant made with Abraham. Perhaps there is no other name with so many forms as Elisabeth, for Is­ abel, Isabella, Eliza; Bessie, Betsy, Betty, Lizzie, and Elspeth 'are all re­ lated to it. This is the reason the old riddle was coined— . "Elisabeth, Elspeth, Betsy and Bess, Went together to take a bird’s nest; They found a nest with five eggs in it; Each took one out, yet left four in.” Now Elisabeth has been and still is a favorite name among royalty, Princess Elisabeth, the curly-headed daughter of the King and Queen of England, being the last to bear it. Of course, as you know, it was the name of fhe mother of John the Baptist. She proved the meaning of her name, for God marvelously f u l f i l l e d His promise to her. Elisabeth is a precious name, mean­ ing as it does, “The oath of God.” It tells us that God cannot lie or break His Word; that all His gracious prom­ ises are certain of fulfillment. On the other hand, if you bear such a sig­ nificant name, or any of the names that have grown out of “Elisabeth,” you must remember that God expects you to fulfill all your promises to Him. His Word cannot fail, and your word

Should not be broken. If you have promised to serve Jesus to the end, keep your promise! ^-Herbert Lockyer in “The Lockyer Link.” Something to Make (A N ew P lan for S ummer M emory W ork ) Would you like to make*a “Chris­ tian’s Courtesy Book” ? Those who love and know the Lord Jesus as Saviour should be of all 'people the most courteous and polite. God’s Word contains many verses which tell how one who is a Christian should behave. I have chosen a verse of this kind for each letter in the alphabet. You may find others to add to this list. Choose construction paper of the color you like best for your courtesy ¿book. Cut out large letters of the al­ phabet. Paste one letter on each page. Then write the courtesy verses for each letter. As other verses are found, write them on their proper pages, ac­ cording to the letter at jthe beginning of each verse. I trust that you will memorize these verses and put them into prac­ tice each day. “Be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only” (JaS. 1:22). —M. S. H. The ABC of Christian Courtesy A “A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger” (Prov. 15:1). B ’“Beloved, let us love one another: for love Is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and know- eth God” (1 John 4:7). “Cease from anger, and forsake —* wrath: fret not thyself in any wise to do evil” (Psa. 37:8). M “Distributing to the .necessity of saints; given to hospitality” (Rom. 12:13)., E “Even a child is known by his ™ doings, whether his work be pure, and whether it be right”- (Prov. 20:11). E “Fret not thyself because of evil- ■ d o e r s , neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity” (Psa. 37:1). [Verses for other letters of the alpha­ bet will be published in corning months .] How to Join the K. Y. B. Club To become a member of the Know Year Bible Club» read through the Gospel ac­ cording to John» using either Tour own Bible or a Gospel of John which will be sent upon request. When the Gospel has been read and a statement to this effect» signed by parent or Sunday-school teach­ er, has been sent to the Editor of the Junior King’s Business« a K . Y. B. C. pftt will be mailed. Sunday-schdol classes or clubs desiring to order ten or more Gospels or pins may wish to Share the cost of these supplies» as the Lord di­ rects; Gospels» postpaid, live cents each — in quantity,, three cents; pins, without postage, two cents each. However, no one Is to do without a Gospel Or pin because of lack of money. Address; Junior Kln$f’s Business, 55S S. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif. h h

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