King's Business - 1942-07

July, 1942



III. CHRISTIANS AS THE MEANS OF ' SPREADING GOD’S FIRE. Meditation and fellowship with Him \yill lift us.above discouragement, de­ feat, and fear, and will lead to a burn­ ing testimony, of Him. (Psa. 39:1-3; Jer. 20:9), Is there little zeal for God among the young people of your so­ ciety? Will they be warmed to new earnestness because of the- burning zeal of yotlr life and witness? Illus.: The village church was burn­ ing, One man, seeing a g o d l e s s neighbor present, remarked, “I never saw you at church before.” The neigh­ bor replied, “It was never on fire be­ fore.” Any young people’s society that is truly on fire for the Lord will prove a force to attract the unsaved. Illus.; A. missionary from Africa, tells how the natives of her district borrow fire from one another. If a * woman awakens in the morning to find her fire has burned out, she will look about for a hut from which a good smoke is coming and will beg an ember to rekindle her own fire. For the Leader John 18:15-18 tells'how Peter warm­ ed his hands at the fire made by the careless; hostile crowd that knew n o t ’ Christ. There he denied his Lord. ’ John 21:9 tells how a humbled, re­ pentant Peter, taking his position be­ side the fire built by hiS Lord, con­ fessed anew- his love for Christ and was recommissioned by Him for serv­ ice (vs. 9-17). In contrasting the two incidents, ask whether any are be­ side the enemy’s fire—seeking- their own comfort, with the wrong’ crowd, and -doing the things that deny the Lord and lead to heartache and loss. of testimony and service. Peter did not stay down. Reminded of his Lord’s unfailing love and readiness to for­ give, he accepted the .challenge of love, “Feed my sheep,” and with the blessing received at Pentecbst, went out aflame for service for his Lord. The words of the following chorus by Bessie F. Hatcher may be offered as a prayer, following which, the op­ portunity miay be given for the young people to come quietly, one by one, as they are led by the Holy1Spirit, to put their fagots or sticks on the fire with their testimony of consecration of life or will or of some sin or weight which the Spirit is asking them to place on the altar, that their witness for the Lord Jesus Christ may burn more brightly and their own hearts may be more zealous for Him. * “Let me burn out fdr T\ee,. dear Lord, Burn and wear out for Thee; ■ Don’t let me rust, or my life be A failure, my God, to Thee. Use me, and all I have, dear Lord, And get me so close to Thee That I feel the th^ob of the great heart of God, . Until I burn out for Thee.”

Of the mission of His followers He said, “As my Father: hath sent me, even so sendT ybu” (John 20:21). In the early chapters of the Acts ofjthe Apostles we see the brightness of a church on fire for Him. In the sec­ ond chapter 3,000 souls are saved; in the fourth, the niimber of men was about 5,000. “Ye shall be witnesses” ! For the Leader What.difference, can you detect be­ tween two needles, one. that has re­ ceived an electric shock, while the other has not? A shock, has rendered the one needle a magnet, which when duly, balanced will enable man to find his way across the trackless ocean. And so we may be when we are filled with the love and Spirit of God; on the ocean of a sinful world we can point wanderers to the haven of rest in Christ.—Selected. AUGUST 30, 1942 IN THE GLOW OF THE CAMPF IRE L u k e 24:28-32 By Myrtle E. Scott Introduction If it is impossible to hold the meet­ ing around a campfire out of doors, simulate a fire indoors with an elec­ tric light bulb, red tissue paper, and sticks, with an extra pile of sticks' to be used as “fagots” for a service of testimony and consecration. (Be care­ ful that the paper is not pressed too closely over the light bulb and that no one will trip on the connecting ex­ tension cord.) For Those Who Have 'Topics I. FIRE: A SYMBOL OF GOD’S PRESENCE, (Deut. 4:36; Psa. 97:3). 1. God spoke to Moses out of the burning bush, calling him to a spe­ cial task (Ex. 3:2-4). 2. God’s guiding Presence w a s made manifest to Israel in the wil­ derness by the pillar of fire and cloud (Ex. 13:21, 22). 3. What does fire do? (Purifies, consumes, warms, lightens, attracts, etc.) II. THE SOURCE OF SPIRITUAL FIRE (Lk. 24:32). An inward fire will be kindled by fellowship with the risen Lord. As the disciples with blasted hopes and broken hearts walked and talked with the risen Lord, their despair soon van­ ished and their hearts burned within them. So may ours. Live close to Him if you want to keep “hot-hearted” for Him. Hot things have a tendency to cool quickly when removed from the fire. We need much fellowship with Him in prayer and Bible study if we are to be kept on fire in the chilly atmosphere of indifference and unbelief about us.

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