King's Business - 1942-07

July, 1942



DID YOU KNOW that IN 1890 DR. C. I. SCOFIELD founded a mission for the evangelization of CENTRAL AMERICA ? 90 foreign missionaries in 35 resident stations, over 400 native pastors, evangelists and Bible women, two Bible Institutes and many thousands of believers witness to the power of the gospel. Many souls are being saved. Your Church, Sunday School or Missionary Society should know about this work. Send for free literature and information. HAVE YOU SEEN

sent by General Booth (the Salvation Army was then still the Christian Mis­ sion) to take over a small church where there had been a division. There were thirtÿ-nine members in the church, and about half of them sat on one side of the church while the other half occupied the other side. And those on the one side did not speak to those on the other! On the first evening, I was on the platform promptly at 7:30 and sat perfectly still for oné-half hour. No one moved. No word was spoken. Then on one side there was a cough and an elderly gentleman stirred and asked: “Boy,” and there was emphasis on the boy, “when are you going to begin?” “I began half an hour ago,” I re­ plied. “What have you been doing?” he asked with some astonishment. “ I have been feeling your p u ls e - diagnosing your trouble!” , “Well, you won’t do. You are too young,” he stated firmly. “But I’m getting older every day;” I protested. I stayed on at the church, bift the spirit 'o f division continued. There were souls converted in street meet­ ings and in the homes in that town, but there were no conversions in the Church. How could there be in that, atmosphere? And it is the same in many of our churches today. They have programmed Christ out. There is a committee for this and a plan for that. Everything is cut and dried, and much of the. organization of the church is in the hands of un­ converted people. Take the song wor­ ship, for instance. Many who sing in the choirs are plainly flippant. A change must come. On the decision cards which I use in my meetings, I Jiave indicated two decisions. The first is for those ac­ cepting the Lord Jesus Christ asvSa- viour. The second is for the church member and reads: “I confess*my un­ faithfulness as a professing Chris­ tian.’,’ Who of us are faithful? Yet there are some who will tell you they are, and they clearly show they know nothing of Jesus. Yet the churches have taken them in. The days of revival are not past, but a change must come in the pul­ pit, on the official boards, in the choirs, and in the prayer meetings of the churches, if we are to have the atmosphere of revival and see souls converted. “Wilt thou not revive us again: that thy people may rejoice in thee? Show us thy mercy, O Lord, and grant us thy salvation . . . All nations whom thou hast made shall come and worship before thee, O Lord; and shall glorify thy name. For thou art great, and doest wondrous things: thou art God alone.”

"AND IN SAMARIA" By Mildred W. Spain

the story of that work? “A graphic presentation of the toil, sufferings, sometimes deaths, and triumphs of the (pioneer) missionaries to the Central American Republics. . . . Stirring chronicles of what read like new chapters in the Acts of the Apostles,” says Dr. H. A. Ironside. Nearly 300 pages of text, illuminating illustration and maps. Price, paper, $1.00; cloth, $1.50 Order from EVERLASTING PRAISES Number 2 197 Songs prayerfully and carefully prepared for the Church, Sunday-School and Revival. All the grand old Hymns of the Church with a few o f the newer tested and proven songs are included in this collection. . Cheap, meaningless S o n g s that do not have a Scriptural backing have been omitted. Bound in Beautiful, Durable Manila Binding Price Delivered 25c Per Copy, In Quantities 20c Per Copy T A Y L O R ’ S B O O K S H O P P. O. Box 512 TUSCALOOSA, ALABAMA Dept. K, 3611 Congress Ave., Dallas, Texas


ARE THE DAYS OF REVIVAL PAST? [ Continued from Page 247] to shine? Spring Is a revival. As the sunshine is to a flower, so is the quickening of spiritual life in the be­ liever. When people begin to think the days of revival are over, that is a sure sign they have lost touch with God and are crying out for any sub­ stitute rather than God’s way. There is no use in mincing matters. If we want potatoes for the table, we must plant the portion of the potato that has life- If we want bread, the grain of wheat must be planted in the same way it was planted for the first wheat?.' There is nothing more wholesome than good water; nothing will quench the thirst better. We do not ask for a new water. As water is to the thirsty, Christ is to the soul; as bread to the body, He is to the be­ liever. When a man is near death, he is glad for the doctor. Revival can only take place in the heart where there is life. Conversion is the fruit of re­ vival. The atmosphere in which con­ versions occur is-a revived church. We will see far more evidence of a re­ vival when our churches have been revived. If Christ should come to some churches to preach, conditions would have to change. The average church would not want Him. They do not like straightforward preachers. When I was twenty years old, I was

REAL I SRAE L VERSUS ANGLO-ISRAELISM Recommended by leading fundamentalists as the most complete answer to .,tlre claims and: challenges of : Anglo-Israelism. 190 pages overflowing with information. Cloth, $1.50. Sewed Marvelleather, $1.00. Published by .George L>. Rose, 1231-B, East Bfarvard St., Glendale, Calif. Make MORE Money This Christmas With our “ Bible Text Special*'—50 beautiful Christmas folders imprinted with name and choice of Bible verse. Sells for only $1.20. Nothing else like' it. . Christians appreciate. Liberal ommission. Also, our complete line, Greeting Cards, “ Sunshine’' plaques, Calendars, Bible Games, Novelties, etc., pays good profit to yourself or Church Society. Send for returnable samples, and free Display Packet on “ Bible Verse Special.” (Our large agent’s Book and Bible catalog included free on request). Satisfac­ tion guaranteed. Write today. C. W. BOYER 2101 Windsor Rd., Dept. KB-7 Dayton, Ohio The King’s Business An Ideal Birthday Gilt Greeting Card sent in your name $1 A Year, $1.50 lor Two Years, Six Months 50c Enclosed $.......... . For.......... Year Send to.................. .............. Address .................. ........................... City ............................................ i. State ............................................. . Send Card from M...,.................................................. Address ......... :■ City......................... . State.........,:....... THE KING’S BUSINESS 558 So. Hope S t Los Angeles, Calif.

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