King's Business - 1942-07

MAGAZINE LISTS 103 CHR ISTIAN MAGAZINE ADDRESSES. F ree! H am ilton, 6125 B roadw ay, N ew Y ork City._______________ MAPS A. H. E ILERS & CO., 1124 PINE ST., ST. Louis, Mo. Inside fro n t cover. MARKET R A LPH S GROCERY COMPANY,' LOS AN- geles, Calif. P a g e 276. MISSIONS AMER ICAN BOARD OF MISSIONS TO the Jew s, Inc., 31 T hroop Ave., B rooklyn . N. Y. C ontents page. ___________ _______ RUSSIAN M ISSIONARY SOCIETY, INC., 1844 W . M onroe St., C hicago, 111. P age 272. MONEY-RAISING PLANS SANGAMON MILLS,' COHOES, N. Y. PAGE 276.________________ OBJECT LESSONS HADDON SERV ICE , BOX 164-B, F A IR - field , Conn. P a g e 267._______ . ______ O p t o m e t r is t DR. FRAN K H. GUERNSEY, 415 PARK Central B ld g , 412 W. Sixth St., L os A n- geles, Calif. P a g e 275. ___________________ S P IE R ’S, 634 W . 6TH ST.. LOS ANGELES, Calif. P a g e 275.

ORGANS GEO. BILHORN & CO., 1414 M cLEAN Ave., C hicago, ill. Inside fro n t cover. A. L. W H ITE MFG. CO., 1902 W. GRAND Ave., C hicago, 111. Inside back cover. PASTORATE WANTED FUNDAMENTAL M IN ISTER, TW EN TY years as pastor, evan gelist, and organizer. T ru e to the W ord o f God. Open fo r a call to a fu ndam ental chu rch or tabernacle in the U. S. A. or Canada. G ood references. W rite R ev. T hom as W . W ellard, 78 Ow asco St.„ A uburn, N. Y. PRINTERS— ENGRAVERS TH E CHURCH PRESS, G L E N D A L E . C alif. P age 270. R ILEY -M OORE ENGRAVING CO.. 337 S. L os A n geles St., L os A ngeles, C alif. P age 271. ' , ______________ SEWING TEXT MOTTOES A. H. B lL E R g & CO., 1124 PINE ST., ST. Louis, Mo. P age 276._______________________ SHOE REPAIRING ER ICK PETERSON , 730 W . S IXTH ST., L os A ngeles. Calif. P a g e 276._______________ SUNDAY-SCHOOL SUPPLIES AMERICAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION, 1816 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. Pa. P age 270. By Their F ruits . . . . F OR TWENTY YEARS Stony Brook has been educating boys for college and strengthening their Christian pur­ pose. What has it accomplished in in­ fluencing boys to devote their lives to Christian work ? The results of these two decades can never be measured by statistics. They live in the lives of hundreds of boys now in college and in every life calling. But something of the effect of Stony Brook’s Christian influence is revealed by a re­ cent survey of alumni. In spite of the fact that Stony Brook is a small and relatively young school, over 40 graduates have heard and answered the call to the Christian min­ istry and missionary work. There are enough Stony Brook graduates in the ministry to fill the pulpit at Sunday services at Stony Brook throughout the school year. Pew if any college preparatory schools of its size have sent so many boys into Christian work in such a short period of time. Of course, many other boys have gone into other lines o f work where men of Christian faith are needed. Engineering, education, medicine, and law are well represented. And Stony Brook’s contri­ bution of graduates to business is a very large one ineed. Your boy, or your neighbor’s, may need this year just the kind of Chris­ tian, college preparation that Stony Brook offers. T h e 21st Y ear B egin s S ep tem b er 16. AsA' that a catalogue, view rMII* book, and a copy o f the book- let, The Fourth R, be sent to you. Address: r-JtomjßrookJcliool Frank E. Gaebelein, Litt D.. Headmaster Stony Brook, Long Island, New York Please mention K ing’s Business

CHR ISTIAN PUBLICATIONS, INC.. 1507 N. T hird St., H arrisbu rg, Pa. P ages 274 and 276. THE SCR IPTURE PRESS, INC., 800 N. C lark St., C hicago, 111. P age 273. STANDARD PUBLISHING CO., 8TH AND Cutter Sts., C incinnati, Ohio. Inside fron t cover. TAXIDERMY STEER HORNS FOR SALE, SEVEN FOOT spread, P olished and m ounted, R are dec­ oration fo r H om e or O ffice. L ee B ertillion, M ineola, Texas. TRACTS "CH R IST ’S SECOND COMING,” “ H E A V - en," “ Saved by G race.” A bou t 500,000 have been circulated. Sam ples free. Wm . D. Cole, W in chester, K en tu cky. FA ITH , P R A Y E R AND TRAC T LEAGUE, M uskegon H eights, Mich. P age 270. GOOD NEWS PUBLISH ING CO., 322 W . W ash in gton , Chicago, 111. P age 272. GOOD, SOUND GOSPEL TRACTS FREE . W rite toda y fo r tra cts fo r distribution, personal use, etc., and w e w ill send you F R E E o f charge, a p ack age o f T racts. Stamps or m on ey deeply appreciated. P ra yer and T ra ct Club, B ox No. 1, B ooth - w yn, Pa.

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. . . the LAST WORD in substantial, con v en ien t folding: organs. Marvelous volum e, resonance and purity of tone. Tropically treated. Famous over the world for 35 years. Write for free catalog. A. L. WHITE MFG. CO.


1902 W . Grand A ve., C hicago

J\. President* of the United States once called the Holy Bible “ The Rock of Our Republic” And so it is, especially today when men’s and women’s souls are tried by the fire of war. In every war that America has fought, since 1848, the American Bible Society has sup­ plied Bibles, New Testaments and portions of the Scriptures to men in the Armed Forces wherever they may be. This is a noble work and it MUST GO ON ! To further this work money is needed. Re­ member—only fl.°6 will give New Testaments to six of our boys. Better still, why not buy an American Bible Society Annuity Agreement? These Agree­ ments afford as high as 7% on money under a plan which has never failed to make prompt payments in over 100 years of the Society’s activities. Why not investigate this plan for Christian giving at once! Send for the booklet A Gift That Lives” ^President Andrew Jackson S END THE C O U P O N N O W □ Please send me, without obligation, your booklet KB-23 entitled “ A Gift That Lives” ö I enclose $....——.... to provide Testaments for our boys Name ................................................................. American Bible Society, Bible House, New York, N. Y.

After high school-what?

There’s an answer for every young Christian . . . Moody Bible Institute. If you're going on to college, get established In your faith first. If you're planning on business, take a year off and study your Bible. If you expect to be a preacher or a missionary, Investigate the longer specialized courses. Tuition is free, with living ex­ penses and private music lessons at reasonable rates. Write for details. Next term, Sept. 9. OFFICE OF THE DEAN W c ro tk j fStèfe ¿néMuÌL

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