King's Business - 1942-07



July, 1942

...with One Subscription at $1.00

If your subscription to “The King’s Business’* expires in JUNE, JULY, or AUGUST, and you renew NOW— or send a new subscription— you may have Dr. Talbot’s new book of object lessons absolutely FR EE

messages are being given, to tEs great delight of pupils and teachers alike« For just such days as these THEKING’S BUSINESS has a special ministry« Its contents appeal to the whole f amily, to adults and young people alike« AH its p a g e s are Bible-centered, interesting« practical. If your subscription will expire! before September 1, won’t you renew ten day and ask for your free copy of M ore O b jects Tha t Talk and Teach? Or sub­ scribe for some friend, won’t you? You will be providing many happy hours in the home and in Christian service among boys and girls. Please use the accompanying coupon TODAY«

Homes are being lived in more than they used to be. Facing tire and gasoline shortages, m a n y Americans are finding how good it is to spend a quiet evening at home, with a book or a magazine that they might never read otherwise. Many are finding, too, that they have more time for the children, both in their own homes and in t h e i r communities. Happy surprises are coming to them al­ most daily in this connection. Being un­ able to go long distances to church or Sunday-school, children are being gath­ ered into neighborhood groups, where Scriptural object lessons and other gospel.

THE KING'S BUSINESS 558 South Hope Street Los Angeles, Californio Dear Friends: ,

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