Land Development Ordinance - Amended 11-19-2024

II. Site Distance . The location of any accessory structure shall not interfere with sight distance, traffic flow or approved parking for the principal structure on the site where the accessory structure is to be located. III. Adjacent Public Right-of-Way. Any portion of an accessory structure adjacent to a public right-of-way shall be screened with evergreen landscaping material, in compliance with Article O Landscaping & Tree Protection Standards. IV. Setback From Principal Structure . An accessory structure that is no more than 10 feet from the principal structure or is connected by a roofed walkway or breezeway shall be defined as attached and shall be required to meet the same setback requirements as the principal structure.

ii. Accessory Units .

1. Location . Accessory units shall be located in the rear or side yard of the zoning lot where the principal structure is located or shall be roof mounted.

2. Not Visible from Public Right-of-Way . No screening is required where an accessory unit is not visible from a public right-of-way.

3. Visible from Public Right-of-Way or Access Drive . Accessory units visible from a public right-of-way shall provide a constructed screen with a minimum height one (1) foot above the highest point of the accessory unit. Such screening shall be constructed of the same materials and/or coloration as the principal structure and shall be reviewed and approved as part of the site plan or prior to approval of the building plans. This requirement shall not apply to accessory units adjacent to parking lots where there is no private right-of-way or access drive.

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