Land Development Ordinance - Amended 6-3-2024

v. Storm Runoff Requirement . Runoff shall be handled in a manner that is in conformance with local, state and federal regulations.

E. Solid & Liquid Waste Transfer Station/Storage . In addition to the general standards the following specific standards shall apply for a solid or liquid waste transfer station/storage:

i. Minimum Lot Size . The minimum zoning lot size for a waste transfer station or storage shall be five (5) acres.

ii. Monitoring Required . All operations, facilities and storage associated with transfer stations concerning liquid waste shall be contained in a building that is monitored 24 hours a day. iii. Setback Requirement . The facilities and buildings associated with a transfer station shall maintain a minimum 100 feet setback from all adjacent property lines and public rights of way.

F. A Special Use Permit is required for operation in the Heavy Industrial (HI) Zoning District.


Temporary Mobile Unit .

A. Construction Office . Temporary mobile units to be used as a construction office are permitted and shall be located on the site of the construction project for the duration of construction, not to exceed 12 months. The temporary mobile unit may be extended for additional periods, up to 12 months each, with approval of an administrative adjustment, in compliance with Article Q, for each extension requested. All temporary mobile units shall be removed prior to a Certificate of Occupancy being issued for the individual structure or last structure if more than one (1). B. Security Unit for Construction Projects . Temporary mobile unit used for security quarters during a construction project is permitted subject to a building permit being issued. The unit shall be allowed for 12 months which may be extended for an additional 12 months with approval of the Planning Director. The temporary mobile unit will be removed when the construction project is completed.

C. Temporary Real Estate Sales Office. A temporary office for real estate sales personnel is permitted on the site of a construction or development project. Recreational vehicles,

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