Hotel, Motel & Extended Stay Facility .
A. Minimum Lot Width . The lot width shall be a minimum of 100 feet.
B. Calculation of the Number of Units . The number of sleeping units shall not exceed one (1) per 1,000 square feet of gross lot area where the hotel, motel or extended stay is located. This standard shall not apply in the Downtown Center-1 (DC-1), Downtown Center-2 (DC-2), Residential Mixed-Use (RMU), Commercial Mixed-Use (CMU), and Employment Mixed-Use (EMU) Zoning Districts.
v. Recreation, Indoor
Game Room/Arcade .
A. Accessory Use Maximum Floor Area . The maximum area for an accessory game room or arcade shall not exceed 20% of the gross floor area of the principal use.
Shooting Range, Indoor .
A. Building Design . The facility shall be so designed and constructed to contain all projectiles and sound within the facility.
B. Age Limit & Alcohol Prohibited . No one under 16 years of age shall be permitted within the facility and alcoholic beverages are prohibited.
C. Board of Adjustment Prohibited . Terms and conditions of this use outlined herein shall not be varied, altered, amended or changed by the Board of Adjustment.
D. A Special Use Permit is required for operation in the Heavy Industrial (HI) Zoning District.
w. Recreation, Outdoor
Any outdoor activity or special event that includes the consumption of alcohol shall obtain approval from the Town Board of Commissioners a minimum of 30 days prior to such activity or special event takes place per §9-1255 Use Standards, p. Miscellaneous Uses, (10) Special Events.
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