Land Development Ordinance - Amended 11-19-2024


Wastewater Treatment Facility, Private .

A. Such facility shall have a minimum setback of 100 feet from any property line and shall provide a buffer in accordance with Article O Landscaping & Tree Protection Standards.

B. A Special Use Permit is required for operation in all districts except the Heavy Industrial (HI) Zoning District, where it is permitted by right.


Wind Energy System .

A. Maximum Size . The zoning lot size for a wind energy system shall not exceed 40 acres for any single site.

B. Fencing . The site shall be protected with a minimum six (6) foot high fence.

C. Minimum Separation . There shall be a minimum setback of 200 feet between the wind energy system and any residential use. The wind energy system shall be designed so as not create noise or glare to adjacent property. D. Access . Access to the property shall not be provided from a residential street. Access shall be restricted to a specific entrance with a gate which shall be locked at all times, and which shall exhibit official notice that only authorized persons are allowed on the property.

E. A Special Use Permit is required for operation in the Residential Agricultural (RA), Research Light Industrial (RLI) and Heavy Industrial (HI) Zoning Districts.

aa. Vehicle Services


Automotive Express Service .

A. Service Time . Automotive express services shall include repairs and maintenance activities conducted on individual vehicles that shall not exceed a service time of one (1) hour.

B. Services Provided . Automotive express services permitted include oil and lube service, inspection service, auto detailing service, tire and alignment service, car wash, windshield replacement, and tune-up service.

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