Land Development Ordinance - Amended 11-19-2024



a. Purpose of Development Dimensions & Standards

All principal and accessory structures, zoning lot dimensions, setbacks, lot coverage, and density shall be subject to the standards set forth in this Article. The standards listed are the minimum dimensions and standards for most uses permitted in each zoning district; however a particular use may have additional dimensions and standards that are required under Article F Use Regulations. These standards may be further limited or modified by Article H Building Type & Architectural Standards, Article N Parking, Loading & Lighting Design Standards, Article O Landscaping & Tree Protection Standards and/or other applicable Articles, sections or standards of the Land Development Ordinance. In addition, all lots shall be subject to the standards of §9- 1458 Subdivision Lots.

b. Interpretation of Table – Dimensions & Standards

(1) Minimum Lot Size & Dimensions. Minimum lot size is measured in square feet, unless otherwise specified, and minimum lot width is measured in linear feet.

(2) Maximum Height . Maximum height shall be measured in linear feet and determined in accordance with the definition provided in Article S Interpretations & Definitions, except as otherwise permitted in this Article.

(3) Maximum Density. Maximum density shall be measured in units per gross acre of the zoning lot or development and shall determine the maximum density permitted for subdivision or site development of residential uses in the applicable zoning district.

(4) Setback Measurement . Minimum setbacks shall be measured in linear and are applicable to the perimeter of a zoning lot, and are not applicable between units, structures or buildings, except as required by the North Carolina State Building Code Regulations.

(5) A blank cell indicates that there is no applicable minimum for the dimension or standard, unless otherwise specifically in Article F Use Regulations.

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