Land Development Ordinance - Amended 11-19-2024


Principal buildings or structures on a zoning lot shall not be located in whole or in-part of a required zoning lot yard setback. In addition to landscape features, the following shall not be considered to be an obstruction, but a permitted exception, within the zoning lot yard setbacks. Additional standards which supersede the following exceptions may be applicable in accordance with Article F Use Regulations of the Land Development Ordinance.

a. All Zoning Lot Setbacks

Architectural Feature or Structure


Awnings & Canopies (Commercial or Residential)

Maximum projection six (6) feet from the principal building or projection into setback Minimum projection five (5) feet from any property line or maximum projection three (3) feet from the principal building

Chimneys or Fire Escapes

Residential Use Driveways

Minimum one (1) foot from any property line*

Handicap Ramps

Minimum five (5) feet from any property line

See Article N Parking, Loading & Light Design Standards Maximum two (2) feet from the principal building

Off-Street Parking

Overhanging Eaves & Gutters

Patios, Terraces at Grade Level, or Private Sidewalks

Minimum one (1) foot from any property line

Walls & Vertical Masonry Features

Minimum three (3) feet from any property line

Signs & Flagpoles

See Article L Signs

Ornamental Features (Sills, Cornices and Similar Features)

Maximum 18 inches from the principal building


Minimum three (3) feet from any property line

Vending Machines Minimum 40 feet from any property line * Driveways shall be located a minimum of 10 feet from the tangent point of an intersection. This requirement shall not apply to shared driveways.

b. Front Yard Zoning Lot Setback

Architectural Feature or Structure


Balconies and One Story Bay Windows

Maximum three (3) feet from the principal building

Porches, Covered or Uncovered

Maximum projection into setback three (3) feet


Maximum projection into setback five (5) feet

Accessory Use or Structure

In line with, or behind front of principal building

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