Land Development Ordinance - Amended 11-19-2024


a. Pedestrian Scale

Building designs shall emphasize the pedestrian scale at ground level, at entryways, and along street frontages through the creative use of windows, doors, columns, canopies and awnings

b. Building Features

Major building design features, such as but not limited to windows, shutters, vents, doors, entrances, awnings, canopies, roofs (pitch/design), eaves, and parapets, shall incorporate the following standards:

(1) Proportional Design . The design of features is in proportion to one another.

(2) Architectural Style . Buildings shall be architecturally designed such that elements from different styles of architecture or time periods are not incongruently utilized on a single building or within a single development.

c. Structural Lines Retained at Street Level

These structural lines of a building and its materials shall be retained at the street level, such as brick piers and columns, which shall be carried down to street level.

d. Awnings & Canopies

Awnings and canopies shall complement the color and material of the building to which they are affixed and other awnings and canopies on the same building.

e. Massing

A single, large, dominant building mass shall be avoided. Where large structures are required, massing should be broken up through the use of setbacks, projecting and recessed elements, and similar design techniques. Changes in mass shall be related to entrances, windows, exterior architectural features such as columns, and/or the organization of interior spaces and activities and not merely for cosmetic effect.

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