Land Development Ordinance - Amended 11-19-2024

including basement, elevated no lower than the “regulatory flood protection elevation”, as defined in Article S Interpretations & Definitions, §9-1901 General Definitions.

B. Nonresidential Construction . New construction and substantial improvements of any commercial, industrial, office and institutional, or any other nonresidential structure shall have the reference level, including basement, elevated no lower than the “regulatory flood protection elevation” as defined in Article S Interpretations & Definitions, §9-1901 General Definitions. Structures located in A, AE, AH, AO, A99, or X (Future) Zones may be flood proofed to the regulatory flood protection elevation in lieu of elevation provided that all areas of the structure, together with attendant utility and sanitary facilities, below the regulatory flood protection elevation are watertight with walls substantially impermeable to the passage of water, using structural components having the capability of resisting hydrostatic and hydrodynamic loads and the effect of buoyancy. For AO Zones, the flood proofing elevation shall be in accordance with §9-1401 Flood Damage Prevention Regulations, k. Provisions for Flood Hazard Reduction, (6). A registered professional engineer or architect shall certify that the standards of this subsection are satisfied. Such certification shall be provided to the Director of Engineering, or his/her designee as set forth in §9-1401 Flood Damage Prevention Regulations, h. Floodplain Development Application; Permit Procedures & Certification Requirements, (3) Certification Requirements, along with the operational and maintenance plans.

C. Manufactured Homes . The following standards shall apply to manufactured homes:

i. Elevation . New or replacement manufactured homes shall be elevated so that the reference level of the manufactured home is no lower than the regulatory flood protection elevation, as defined in Article S Interpretations & Definitions, §9-1901 General Definitions. ii. Anchoring . Manufactured homes shall be securely anchored to an adequately anchored foundation to resist flotation, collapse and lateral movement, either by an engineer’s certification, or in accordance with the most current edition of the State of North Carolina Regulations for Manufactured Homes adopted by the Commissioner of Insurance pursuant to North Carolina General Statutes §143- 143.15. Additionally, when the elevation would be met by an elevation of the chassis 36 inches or less about the grade at the site, the chassis shall be supported by reinforced peers or an engineered foundation. When the elevation of the chassis is above 36 inches in height, an engineering certification is required.

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