Land Development Ordinance - Amended 11-19-2024

review a completed special use permit application and submit recommendations to the Board of Adjustment for further review and final action.

D. Board of Adjustment Action . The Board of Adjustment shall either approve, approve conditionally or disapproved each application.

E. Decision Timeline . The Board of Adjustment shall consider the application at its first available regularly scheduled meeting after review and recommendations have been completed by the planning staff; legal notices have been advertised; the property posted informing the public of the proposed request; and adjacent property owners notified by first-class mail. The Board of Adjustment shall take final action on the application within 45 days of the Board’s initial consideration of the application. F. Public Agency Review . The Planning Director or his/her designee or the Board may provide public agencies an opportunity to review and make recommendations. However, failure of the agencies to submit any comments and recommendations shall not delay the Board’s action within the prescribed time limit. Said public agencies may include, but are not limited to, the following:

i. North Carolina Department of Transportation . The NCDOT District Engineer with regard to proposed streets and highways.

ii. Wake County Health Department . The Director of the Wake County Health Department with regard to propose private water systems or sewer systems normally approved by the Wake County Health Department.

iii. Department of Environmental & Natural Resources . The State Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) with regard to proposed sewer systems normally approved by the Department, engineered stormwater controls or stormwater management in general.

iv. Additional Agencies as Necessary . Any other agency or official designated by the Planning Director or Board of Adjustment.

G. Conditions . If the Board of Adjustment disapproves or approves conditionally the application, the reasons for such action shall be stated in writing for the applicant and entered into the minutes. The developer/subdivider may make changes and submit a revised plan which shall constitute a separate request for the purpose of review.

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