Land Development Ordinance - Amended 11-19-2024

A. Vacant Lots . This category consists of vacant lots for which plats or deeds have been recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Wake County. Lots may be used for any of the uses allowed in the watershed area in which it is located provided the following:

i. Lots below Minimum Regulations . Where the lot area is below the minimum specified in these regulations the Planning Director or his/her designee is authorized to issue a watershed protection permit.

ii. Lots in Single Ownership . Notwithstanding the foregoing, whenever two (2) or more contiguous residential vacant lots of record are in single ownership at any time after the adoption of the Land Development Ordinance and such lots individually have less area than the minimum requirements for residential purposes for the watershed area in which such lots are located, such lots shall be combined to create one (1) or more lots that meet the standards of the Watershed Protection Regulations, or if this is impossible, reduce to the extent possible the nonconformity of the lots. B. Occupied Lots . This category consists of lots, occupied for residential purposes at the time of the adoption of this Ordinance. These lots may continue to be used provided that whenever two (2) or more adjoining lots of record, one of which is occupied are in single ownership at any time after the adoption of the Land Development Ordinance, and such lots individually or collectively have less area than the minimum requirements for residential purposes for the watershed area in which they are located, such lots shall be combined to create lots which meet the minimum size required or which minimizes the degree of nonconformity. C. Uses of Land . This category consists of uses existing at the time of adoption of the Land Development Ordinance where such use of the land is not permitted to be established hereafter in a watershed area in which it is located. Such uses may be continued except as follows:

i. Change of Use . When such use of land has been changed to an allowed use, it shall not hereafter revert to any prohibited use.

ii. Change to an Allowable Use . Such use of land shall be changed only to an allowed use.

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