Land Development Ordinance - Amended 11-19-2024

D. Expiration . A watershed protection permit shall expire if a building permit or Certificate of Occupancy (CO) for such use has not been obtained by the applicant within 12 months from the date of issuance of the watershed protection permit.

(9) Building Permit Required . Except for a single-family residence constructed on a lot deeded prior to the effective date of the Land Development Ordinance, no permit required under the North Carolina State Building Code shall be issued for any activity for which a watershed protection permit is required until such time that the watershed protection permit has been issued.

(10) Watershed Protection Occupancy Permit . The following standards shall apply to obtain an occupancy permit:

A. Certificate of Occupancy . The Inspections Director or his/her designee, after the Planning Director or his/her designee has certifying that all requirements of the watershed protection regulations have been met prior to the occupancy or use of a building hereafter erected, altered or moved and/or prior to the change or use of any building or land determined that the watershed protection regulations have been met, shall issue a watershed protection Certificate of Occupancy permit certifying that all requirements of the watershed protection regulations have been met prior to the occupancy or use of a building hereafter erected, altered or moved and/or prior to the change or use of any building or land. B. Watershed Protection Permit & Certificate of Occupancy Permit Submitted Together . A watershed protection Certificate of Occupancy, either for the whole or part of a building, shall be applied for at the same time an application for a watershed protection permit is submitted and shall be issued or denied within 10 days after the erection or structural alterations of the building. C. Change of Use Only . When only a change in use of land or existing building occurs, the Inspections Director or his/her designee, the Planning Director or his/her designee certifying that all requirements of the Watershed Protection Regulations have been met coincident with the watershed protection permit, shall issue a watershed protection Certificate of Occupancy permit. D. Permit Required . No building or structure which has been erected, moved, or structurally altered may be occupied until the Inspections Director or his/her designee, and the Planning Director or his/her designee have certified that all requirements of the Watershed Protection Regulations have been met, has approved and issued a watershed protection Certificate of Occupancy permit.

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