Land Development Ordinance - Amended 11-19-2024

Statutes, the North Carolina Administrative Code, and the Land Development Ordinance.

F. Violation(s) Continues . Any violation of provisions existing on the effective date of this section shall continue to be a violation this section and be subject to penalties and enforcement under this section unless the use, development, construction, or other activity complies with the provisions of this section.


Interpretation .

A. Meaning & Intent . All provisions, terms, phrases, and expressions contained in the section shall be construed according to the general and specific purposes set forth in §9- 1405 Stormwater Management Regulations, a. General Provisions, (4) Purpose. If a different or more specific meaning is given for a term defined elsewhere in the Land Development Ordinance, the meaning and application of the terms in the section shall control for purposes of application of the Land Development Ordinance. B. References to Statutes, Regulations, & Documents . Whenever reference is made to a resolution, ordinance, statute, regulation, manual (including the Design Manual), or document, it shall be construed as a reference to the most recent edition of such that has been finalized and published with due provision for notice and comment, unless otherwise specifically stated.

C. Measurement & Computation . Lot area refers to the amount of horizontal land area contained inside the lot lines of a lot or site.


Design Manual .

A. References to Design Manual

i. Stormwater Administrator Responsibility . The Stormwater Administrator shall use the policy, criteria, and information, including technical specifications and standards, in the Design Manual, as defined in Article S, as the basis for decisions about stormwater permits and about the design, implementation and performance of engineered stormwater controls and other practices for compliance with this section. ii. Acceptable Stormwater Practices . The Design Manual includes a list of acceptable stormwater treatment practices, including the specific design criteria for each stormwater practice. Stormwater treatment practices that are designed,

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