Land Development Ordinance - Amended 11-19-2024

stormwater management facilities or practices after final construction is completed.

ii. Final Design Specifications . The plans shall show the final design specifications for all stormwater management facilities and practices and the field location, size, depth and planted vegetation of all measures, controls, and devices as installed. The designer of the stormwater management measures and plans shall certify, under seal, that the as-built stormwater measures, controls and devices are in compliance with the approved stormwater management plans and designs and with the requirements of this section. A final inspection and approval by the Stormwater Administrator shall occur before the release of any performance securities. D. Other Permits . No Certificate of Compliance or Occupancy shall be issued by the Inspections Department without final as-built plans and a final inspection and approval by the Stormwater Administrator, except where multiple units are served by the stormwater practice or facilities, in which case the Inspections Department may elect to withhold a percentage of permits or Certificates of Occupancy until as-built plans are submitted and final inspection and approval has occurred by the Stormwater Administrator.


Approvals .

A. Effect of Approval . Approval authorizes the applicant to go forward with only the specific plans and activities authorized in the permit. The approval shall not be construed to exempt the applicant from obtaining other applicable approvals from local, state, and federal authorities.

B. Time Limit/Expiration .

i. Plan Null & Void . An approved plan shall become null and void if the applicant has failed to make substantial progress on the site within one (1) year after the date of approval of the permit. The Stormwater Administrator may grant a single one (1) year extension of this time limit, for good cause shown, upon receiving a written request from the applicant before the expiration of the approved plan.

ii. Extension . In granting an extension, the Stormwater Administrator may require compliance with standards adopted since the original application was submitted

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