Land Development Ordinance - Amended 11-19-2024

An erosion and sedimentation control plan may be disapproved if the plan fails to address the following control objectives:

A. Identify Critical Areas . On-site areas which are subject to severe erosion, and off-site areas which are especially vulnerable to damage from erosion and/or sedimentation, are to be identified and receive special attention. B. Limit Time of Exposure . All land disturbing activities are to be planned and conducted to limit exposure to the shortest feasible time specified in G.S. 113A-57, the rules of this Ordinance, or as directed by the Town.

C. Limit Exposed Areas . All land disturbing activity is to be planned and conducted to minimize the size of the area to be exposed at any one (1) time.

D. Control Surface Water . Surface water runoff originating upgrade of exposed areas should be controlled to reduce erosion and sediment loss during the period of exposure.

E. Control Sedimentation . All land disturbing activity is to be planned and conducted so as to prevent off-site sedimentation damage.

F. Manage Stormwater Runoff . Plans shall be designed so that any increase in velocity of stormwater runoff resulting from a land-disturbing activity will not result in accelerated erosion of the receiving stormwater conveyance or at the point of discharge. Plans shall include measures to prevent accelerated erosion within the project boundary and at the point of discharge.


Design & Performance Standard

A. Except as provided in this Ordinance, erosion and sedimentation control measures, structures, and devices shall be planned, designed, and constructed to provide protection from the calculated maximum peak rate of runoff from the 10-year storm. Runoff rates shall be calculated using the procedures in the latest edition of the United States Department of Agriculture ( USDA), Soil Conservation Service’s “National Engineering Field Manual for Conservation Practices”, or other acceptable calculation procedures.

B. High Quality Water (HQW) Zones. In HQW zones, the following design standards shall apply:

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