Land Development Ordinance - Amended 11-19-2024

B. for multifamily dwellings: payment shall be made prior to the issuance of a building permit, in the amount per dwelling unit as set forth in this section, below.

b. Criteria for Dedication.

All land dedicated to the public for recreation and park development shall substantially meet the following criteria:

(1) Unit – The dedicated land shall form a single parcel of land except where the Board of Commissioners determines that two (2) parcels or more would be in the public interest. If two (2) or more parcels are determined to be in the public interest, a path or walkway shall be provided.

(2) Shape – The shape of the dedicated land shall be sufficiently square or round to be useable for recreational activities such as soccer, baseball, softball, tennis, etc.

(3) Location – The dedicated land shall be located so as to reasonably serve the recreation and open space needs of the subdivision for which the dedication was made and shall bear a reasonable relationship to the use of the area by the future inhabitants of the subdivision or residential development.

(4) Access – Public access to the dedicated land shall be provided either by direct street frontage or public easement at least twenty-two feet in width.

(5) Topography – Generally, dedicated land reserved for recreational purposes shall not exceed a five (5%) percent slope.

(6) Usefulness – The dedicated land shall be useable for recreation. Lakes and wetlands may not be included in computed dedication land area. Where the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board determines that recreational needs are being adequately met, either by other dedicated parcels of land or existing recreational facilities, then land that is not useable for recreation may be dedicated as open space.

(7) Plans – Municipal and County plans shall be taken into consideration when evaluating proposals for the dedication of land for recreational purposes.

c. Criteria for Choice Between Dedication and Fee-in-Lieu.

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