Land Development Ordinance - Amended 11-19-2024

a. Existing Use

Any legally established, existing sexually oriented business, electronic sweepstakes gaming operation, massage establishment or nightclub that fails to comply with the conditions and criteria of the Land Development Ordinance upon the effective date, December 30, 2016, shall not be deemed to be in violation of the Land Development Ordinance.

b. New Uses Affecting Conformity

A sexually oriented business; electronic sweepstakes gaming operation; massage establishment; or nightclub operating lawfully and meeting the conditions and criteria at the effective date of the Land Development Ordinance (December 30, 2016) shall not be rendered in violation of or made nonconforming by the Land Development Ordinance due to the location and/or addition of uses that normally would prohibit these uses from being located where they are currently established.

c. Discontinued Use

If a nonconforming sexually oriented business or electronic sweepstakes gaming operation is discontinued, then the property, lot, or parcel of land shall only be occupied with a conforming use.

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