Land Development Ordinance - Amended 11-19-2024

(3) Commercial Copy. Flags displaying commercial copy, are permitted in compliance with the following, and shall be included in calculating total aggregate sign area:

A. Maximum Size. No flag displaying commercial copy shall be greater than three (3) feet by five (5) feet in dimension.

e. Ground Sign

A freestanding ground sign shall be supported by a continuous base, between 24 inches and 48 inches in height, a depth equal to or greater than that of the sign and a minimum of 90% of the width of the principal sign, unless otherwise provided herein. (1) Residential Zoning Districts. A freestanding ground sign is permitted in a residential zoning district in compliance with the specific standards provided herein. When located in a residential zoning district, a ground sign may or may not include decorative columns and is typically provided as an entrance sign; or as development or subdivision identification feature, whether located along the perimeter or internal to the subdivision or development.

A. Sign Surface Area. A maximum of 48 square feet of ground sign area shall be permitted per access onto a public right-of-way.

B. Sign Placement. When located on individual residential zoning lots or parcels, signs shall be located in a sign easement to provide for perpetual maintenance and access, where applicable.

C. Maximum Quantity. A maximum of two (2) ground signs shall be permitted at each public right-of-way access, where the total surface area computation in both signs shall not exceed the maximum allowed by this Subsection.

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