Land Development Ordinance - Amended 11-19-2024

(2) Sign Surface Area. The maximum surface area of an integrated sign shall be determined by the zoning district in which it’s located, in accordance with the following:

A. Commercial Zoning Districts. The maximum surface area of an integrated center sign in a commercial zoning district shall be 120 square feet.

B. Industrial Zoning Districts. The maximum surface area of an integrated center sign in an industrial zoning district shall be 90 square feet.

C. Office & Institutional Zoning District. The maximum surface area of an integrated center sign in an Office & Institutional Zoning District shall be 64 square feet.

(3) Sign Computation. The total sign surface area included in an integrated sign shall not be included in the total sign area computation.

(4) Maximum Quantity. A maximum of one (1) integrated center sign shall be permitted per access onto a public right-of-way. Where an integrated center sign is utilized, no additional permanent freestanding signs shall be permitted, whether on a single parcel or multiple parcels.

Figure – Integrated Center Sign

g. Menu Board Sign

A menu board sign is a permanent sign typically designed to accommodate food menus or other goods or services to vehicular traffic.

(1) Sign Surface Area . The maximum surface area of a menu board sign is 64 square feet.

(2) Maximum Height . The maximum height of a menu board sign is seven (7) feet.

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