Land Development Ordinance - Amended 11-19-2024

(3) Aggregate Sign Computation . The square footage included in a menu board sign(s) shall not be included in calculating the total aggregate sign computation.

(4) Maximum Quantity . There shall be no more than two (2) separate menu board signs permitted per parcel or zoning lot.

Figure – Menu Board Sign

h. Monolithic Sign

A monolithic freestanding sign is structurally designed to be secured to a foundation without a visible structural base. The base shall be located below the finish grade and shall extend vertically from the finished grade up to the maximum height and square footage permitted in this Article. The copy, message, logo, emblem, insignia or graphics area displayed on a monolithic sign shall not be located less than 30 inches, measured from the finished grade vertically to the bottom edge of any copy area.

Figure – Monolithic Sign

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