Land Development Ordinance - Amended 11-19-2024


Signs on Mansard Roofs

A. Roof Pitch . A roof with an angle of 60 degrees or more from a horizontal plane shall be considered as building wall surface for the purpose of this Article.

B. Attachment & Projection . No attached sign shall project above the mansard roof or project more than 12 inches from the mansard roof at the base of the sign, measured from the surface of the mansard roof to the front face of the attached sign.

(5) Maximum Projection . All attached signs shall not project more than 12 inches from the surface of the building wall to the front face of the attached sign, and shall be mounted parallel and flat against the building wall surface, where no other such provisions are provided herein for a specific type of attached sign.

Figure – Attached Sign Projection


Attached Sign Illumination

A. Backlighting . Backlighting for attached signs is permitted.

B. Up-Lighting & Down-Lighting . Up-lighting and down-lighting onto an attached sign is permitted provided that the lighting shall be directed at the attached sign and the lighting shall be shielded in a manner to only illuminate the face of the sign.

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