Land Development Ordinance - Amended 11-19-2024

sign shall extend beyond the back of curb or edge of pavement, whichever is the lesser dimension.

(5) Aggregate Signage Computation . The total square footage provided in a blade sign shall not count toward the allowable aggregate signage computation provided by this Article.

(6) Maximum Quantity. There shall be one (1) blade sign permitted per public entrance.

(7) Design Standards. All blade signs shall be constructed and designed according to the following standards:

A. Support Structure Material. The support structure, frame and decorative details for a blade sign shall be constructed using flat iron works. Ornate scroll, turned ironwork and decorative designs shall be included in the blade sign structure/support design.

B. Sign Material. The sign material for a blade sign shall be constructed using sandblasted or painted wood, metal and/or aluminum composite material (ACM).

C. Assembly. Assembly of the frame and support structure shall be tack welded only. Rivets shall be prohibited.

Figure – Blade Sign

e. Building Name or Marker

A building name or marker sign shall be permitted in nonresidential zoning districts in compliance with the following standards:

(1) Aggregate Signage Computation . The total square footage provided in a building name or marker shall count toward the allowable aggregate signage computation provided by this Article.

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