b. Minimum Construction Standards
All street construction shall be in conformance with the Town’s Standard Specifications & Construction Details and policies and procedures as set forth in the Land Development Ordinance and by the Town Code of Ordinances.
c. Street Widths & Sidewalks
All streets shall meet the street width and sidewalk/greenway construction standards as specifically required by the Town’s Standard Specifications & Construction Details and other provisions required by the Land Development Ordinance.
d. Grading & Stormwater Management
All streets shall be cleared and graded to the full public right-of-way width to accommodate all construction required in compliance with local, County, State and Federal requirements for drainage, environmental protection, erosion and sedimentation control, and stabilization, and may require slope easements, and grading outside a right-of-way to permit reasonable maintenance of such right-of-way.
e. Utility Installation & Extensions
The property owner/developer shall install all utilities (water, wastewater (sewer) storm drainage, electric power, gas and telephone cable, etc.) underground and extend such services to each lot in a proposed subdivision or development. All utilities, with the exception of water and wastewater (sewer), shall be located outside the street cross-section, except for underground services perpendicular to the street cross-section to serve both sides of a street. Installations and extensions to a property line are required at the direction of the Public Utilities Director.
f. Mixing Public & Private Streets Prohibited
A proposed development shall not be designed to include a mix of public and private streets. All streets within such development shall be public, except as permitted in this Article, § 9-1610 Private Streets & Utilities or as otherwise approved by the Town Board of Commissioners. All streets within a proposed development shall be public under the following conditions:
(1) Transportation Plan . A public street is required based on the adopted Comprehensive Transportation Plan or adopted plans by the North Carolina Department of Transportation
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