(2) Minimize Lighting on Adjacent Property . Parking lot lighting shall not cause direct illumination onto adjacent and nearby properties or streets. If the maximum foot candle cannot be maintained in accordance with the Town’s Standard Specifications & Construction Details, shields shall be provided on the fixtures to prevent glare and the maximum foot candle requirement.
(3) Light Fixture Type . All lighting fixtures within a parking lot shall be full cutoff fixtures as defined by the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA).
(4) Light Fixture Design . Light fixtures may be mounted as a single, double or 4-fixture arrangement, except that only a single light fixture mounting shall be permitted within 50 feet of an adjacent property line zone as a residential district.
(5) Pole Height . The maximum pole height is 30 feet measured from the finished grade to the top of the fixture.
(6) Lighting, Poles & Pedestals Location . Light poles and pedestals adjacent to pedestrian walkways, parking lot travel ways, curb and gutter and parking bays shall be located a minimum of two (2) feet from the edge of the aforementioned elements within or adjacent to the parking lot area. Where light poles and pedestals are located adjacent to parking bays the parking bay(s) shall include wheel stops adjacent to the poles or pedestals. (7) Light Pole & Landscape Island Tree Coordination . The location of light poles and fixtures shall not conflict with required landscape islands which contain a required tree. The relationship of parking lot lighting and landscape islands must be part of the analysis and proposal with the site plan or development plan submittal for review.
b. Conformance with Applicable Standards
All parking lot lighting shall be installed in conformance with the Land Development Ordinance, the applicable standards of this Article and the Town’s Standard Speci fications & Construction Details.
c. Alternative Architectural Fixture Style
If the design of an area suggests or dictate the use of parking lot lighting fixtures of a particular period or architectural style the Planning Director may permit alternatives or supplements to the lighting fixtures and poles described in the criteria herein provided that:
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