Land Development Ordinance - Amended 11-19-2024

with Article I Environmental Protection Standards, §9-1406 Clear-Cutting & Protection of Heritage Trees Regulations.

(2) Critical Root Zone . Where a landscape plan includes existing trees, an adequate pervious area shall be provided around each tree to allow for infiltration of water and air, known as critical root zone or tree protection area. The pervious area shall be equal to 1.5 times the root drip line of each tree. The root drip line is the area extending out from the trunk of the tree to the outer edge of the branches. (3) Incentive to Maintain Existing Vegetation . To encourage the inclusion of existing quality vegetation as part of a development plan, whether located central to a site or within a perimeter buffer area, the following incentives are permitted:

A. Credit toward Buffers & Parking Lot Landscaping . Existing quality and healthy vegetation may be used towards meeting the criteria for the perimeter buffer yard required and parking lot landscaping.

B. Reduction by Administrative Adjustment . An administrative adjustment by the Town Manager or his/her designee, up to a 15% reduction in the number of parking spaces required on a development site may be permitted to the extent that the reduction will preserve existing healthy trees or evergreen shrubbery within the parking lot area(s). Existing healthy trees shall be identified as deciduous or evergreen trees with a minimum caliper of 12 inches or greater (measured at breast height). A ratio of one (1) deciduous or evergreen tree or evergreen shrub meeting such requirements herein shall apply to each parking bay reduction, with each existing quality plant material eligible for a reduction of up to three percent (3%). (4) Maintaining Existing Vegetation . As part of the Town's interest in preserving appearance and existing significant vegetation, the Town requires that certain standards shall apply in an effort to preserve existing vegetation as part of a required landscaping under the following standards: A. Assessment of Existing Vegetation . The property owner/developer shall provide an assessment of the existing vegetation proposed to be preserved and identify such vegetation on the preliminary major subdivision plat or site plan, in compliance with Article Q Procedures & Administration of the Land Development Ordinance. The existing plant material assessment shall include the type of existing vegetation (evergreen or deciduous), species, size, height and quantity to meet the buffer type required at the time of plan review and shall be performed and certified by a qualified landscape architect or land surveyor.

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