Land Development Ordinance - Amended 11-19-2024

Screening for accessory units and off-street loading areas shall be provided in accordance with the standards provided herein.

(1) Screening of Accessory Units . Accessory units shall be provided in compliance with Article F Use Regulations, §9-1255 Use Standards, p. Miscellaneous Uses, (1) Accessory Uses, A. Accessory Use – Nonresidential, ii. Accessory Units and in accordance with the following standards: A. Trash Collection Area Adjacent to a Public Right-of-Way . In addition to the required structural screening of Article F, evergreen plant materials shall be provided along the constructed screen on any side adjacent to or visible from a public right-of-way. Such evergreen plant material shall be a minimum of four (4) feet in height at planting and shall reach a minimum height of eight (8) feet at maturity.

B. Accessory Units Visible from Private Right-of-Way or Access Drive. The screening of roof mounted mechanical and utility equipment shall be in accordance with the Town’s Standard Specifications & Construction Details.

(2) Screening of Off-Street Loading Areas . Off-street loading areas shall provide a landscape screen where adjacent to a public right-of-way. Such landscape screen shall consist of evergreen plant material, a minimum of four (4) feet in height at the time of planting and reaching a minimum height of eight (8) feet at maturity.

d. Parking Structure

Where parking is provided/located underground or within a building or parking deck the parking lot landscaping requirements of this Section shall not apply. Storage and screening requirements of this Section shall apply, where applicable. All other requirements of this Article shall apply.


Street trees and landscaping are an important element of the appearance, visual introduction to the Town, and a statement by the Town of its interest and desire to incorporate a vista of trees and landscaping as part of the developed environment of the Town. Therefore, the Town has identified streets and corresponding landscape buffer requirements or transition areas between the street and the developed portion of a lot or parcel of land.

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