Land Development Ordinance - Amended 11-19-2024

a. Street Classifications

The street classifications shall be used to determine the standards for street buffers and landscaping:

(1) Street Buffers & Landscaping . Developments along streets (expressway, boulevards, parkway, major and minor thoroughfares, and collectors) shall provide a minimum size and amount of landscape buffering, including street trees, using undisturbed vegetation and/or new landscaping, in accordance with the following standards: A. Residential Development . Residential development including single-family and multi- family shall provide a minimum buffer width and density of landscaping, as required in §9-1714, Table – Landscaping, Buffers & Screening of this Article along the property line adjacent to a street. The street buffer shall not be included as part of individual lots, except where the covenants for a proposed residential subdivision shall include language outlined in this Section. B. Nonresidential Development . All nonresidential development shall provide a minimum buffer width and density of landscaping, as required in §9-1714, Table – Landscaping, Buffers & Screening of this Article along the property line adjacent to the street. The covenants or restrictions for a proposed nonresidential development shall include language outlined in this Section. (2) Residential Collector . Residential collectors serve a single-family residential development, where street trees are required, and where the species required shall be a large shade tree. The covenants for a proposed residential subdivision shall include language outlined in this Section.


Street or Local Street .

A. Street Trees Required & Responsibility . Local streets and residential collectors require street trees as provided in §9-1714, Table – Landscaping, Buffers & Screening, along the property line adjacent to the street. The restrictive covenants, whether through a homeowners’ association or maintenance agreement for nonresidential development, or where no association or maintenance agreement exists the property owner/developer shall specify and determine the instrument for the responsibility of maintenance of the street trees in perpetuity as outline d in this Section. If a homeowners’ association is subsequently formed such association shall have the ultimate responsibility to maintain the street trees.

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