(10) Exception for Reduced Perimeter Buffer Width. The Town Manager or their designee may approve a reduction in the required perimeter buffer width through an administrative adjustment (see Article Q Procedures & Administration, §9-1808, a. Administrative Adjustments). The applicant must document that supplemental elements, including but not limited to, all evergreen materials, increased buffer opacity, and/or fencing, will serve to meet the intent of the perimeter buffer requirement. The buffer width may not be reduced to less than 20' and the reduction is not available for street buffers.
Landscaping, buffers and screening shall be provided in compliance with the table included herein, and the requirement of this Article and the Land Development Ordinance.
a. Interpretation of Table – Landscaping, Buffers & Screening
(1) Perimeter Buffer. The following table shall determine perimeter buffer requirements for proposed developments or uses in accordance with the following instructions:
A. Locate the proposed use type in the far left column .
B. Identify if the adjacent property is developed or vacant .
C. The required buffer is at the intersection of the row and column .
D. The buffer type is indicated by letter and the number indicates width in feet .
(2) Thoroughfare Buffer. The following table shall determine the required buffer along streets in accordance with the following instructions:
A. Locate the proposed use type in the far left column .
B. A “ST” means “ street trees ” . The number indicates the width of the landscape area to locate street trees and the size and height of tree shall be based on the applicable specification. Street tree buffers may be included on a residential lot in an easement.
(3) Use Type . For purposes of this Article, approved plans for a development constitutes consideration of buffering based on the use type and not as vacant land where a project(s) have not yet been developed.
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