(4) Type C: Transitional Buffer . This type of buffer is less opaque than the Type B buffer and functions as a screen between adjacent properties as well as along and adjacent to certain thoroughfares. This buffer shall consist of deciduous or evergreen trees alternating between large and small along the length of the buffer and shrubs that provide intermittent visual obstruction. A minimum 50% of the shrubs shall be evergreen species, in accordance with the following spacing standards:
A. Trees .
i. Large and small trees shall have a maximum spacing of 25 feet at installation, and shall alternate along the length of the buffer.
B. Shrubs . Small shrubs shall have a maximum spacing of 10 feet at installation.
(5) Exception for the Single-Family . The provision of Article O Landscaping & Tree Protection Standards, §9-1713 Landscaping for Adjacent Uses & Thoroughfares, shall not apply to single-family, two-family (duplex) and three-family (triplex) residential
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