Land Development Ordinance - Amended 11-19-2024


Removal of a Member

Any member of the Planning Board may be removed by the Town Board of Commissioners, including but not limited to neglect of duty, malfeasance, misconduct, or failure to faithfully attend meetings. The Town Board of Commissioners shall conduct a hearing in public which the member being discussed for removal will present information to the Town Board of Commissioners for consideration. The information that the Town Board of Commissioners considers must be in writing from the Mayor, a Town Commissioner or the chair of the Planning Board (through the Planning Director).

g. Powers & Duties

The Planning Board shall advise, comment on and forward recommendations to the Town Board of Commissioners. The Planning Board is hereby vested with the duties and powers imposed upon and granted to a planning agency pursuant to North Carolina General Statutes §160D-301, including without limitation, the powers and duties listed below to the fullest extent permitted in accordance with the Land and Development Ordinance and other applicable laws as follows:

(1) Major Preliminary Subdivision Plat . The Planning Board shall review and make recommendations on major preliminary subdivision plats to the Town Board of Commissioners for final action.

(2) Zoning Map Amendment . The Planning Board shall review and make

recommendations concerning an application for a zoning map amendment. The Planning Board shall advise and provide a written recommendation to the Town Board of the Commissioners that addresses consistency with the Comprehensive Plan comprising of officially adopted plans that are applicable to a zoning map amendment, and/or other matters deemed appropriate by the Planning Board. Where the Planning Board comments include that a zoning map amendment is inconsistent with such Comprehensive Plan a brief explanation why the Planning Board considers the action taken to be reasonable and in the public interest. Such comments shall not preclude consideration or approval of the proposed zoning map amendment by the Town Board of Commissioners. The Planning Board shall also review, and make recommendations to approve, disapprove or if a proposed conditional zoning, consider the proposed conditions by the applicant and make recommendations to the Town Board of Commissioners. The Planning Board shall adopt a statement describing whether its recommendation is consistent with the adopted Comprehensive Plan and explaining why the Planning Board considers the action taken to be reasonable and in the public interest. Such statement is not

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