Land Development Ordinance - Amended 11-19-2024

appointment. If any vacancies exist as of such date, those vacancies shall be filled under the provisions of §9-1751 Town Board of Commissioners, c. Board of Adjustment Appointments of this Article.

b. Appointment of Members

The appointment of the Board of Adjustment members shall be in accordance with §9- 1751 Town Board of Commissioners, c. Board of Adjustment Appointments of this Article.

c. Board of Adjustment Membership

The Board of Adjustment shall consist of seven (7) regular members and one (1) alternate member serving only in the absence of regular members. All members of the Board of Adjustment shall have the same rights, privileges, and duties with the matters at issue that arise within the corporate limits or in the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the Town. The composition of the membership shall reflect proportional representation (to be updated with each decennial Census) between the Towns corporate limits in the extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) as provided by North Carolina General Statutes §160D, Articles 1 & 2 and in compliance with §9-1751 Town Board of Commissioners, c. Board of Adjustment Appointments of the Land Development Ordinance.

d. Terms of Membership

Unless an appointment is made to fill a vacancy created by the resignation or expulsion of a previously appointed Board of Adjustment member, the term of each appointment shall be for three (3) years. The term of appointment to the Board of Adjustment to fill a vacancy created by the circumstance identified above shall be for the term of the member that resigned or was expelled.

e. Term Expiration

Terms for members from within the corporate limits and the extraterritorial jurisdiction shall expire on the last day of December in the last year of the member’s term. All members shall serve until the expiration of their terms or until their successor has been appointed.

(1) Vacancies Prior to Expiration . Vacancies occurring for reasons other than

expiration of terms shall be filled for the period of the unexpired term by the Town Board of Commissioners for members within the corporate limits and by the Wake

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