Land Development Ordinance - Amended 11-19-2024

(1) the size and phasing of development,

(2) the level of investment,

(3) the need for the development,

(4) economic cycles, and

(5) market conditions or other considerations.

r. Organization of Board of Adjustment

The Board of Adjustment shall follow the organizational rules of procedures set out herein:


Officers .

A. Appointment of Chair. The Chair of the Board of Adjustment shall be appointed by the Mayor from among the membership of the Board of Adjustment for a term of two (2) years. A vacancy of the chair within a term shall be filled by the Mayor in the same manner of the appointment. The responsibilities of the chair are set forth in the bylaws of the Board of Adjustment.

B. Vice-Chair. The vice-chair position shall be appointed and act pursuant to the bylaws of the Board of Adjustment.

C. Clerk to the Board of Adjustment . The Planning Director or their designee shall serve as Clerk to the Board of Adjustment. The Clerk shall keep minutes of all proceedings before the Board of Adjustment, including the vote of all members upon every consideration, which shall be attested by the Clerk. The minutes of a Board of Adjustment meeting shall be approved by a majority of the Board of Adjustment members voting at the next scheduled meeting. In addition, the Clerk shall maintain all records of the Board of Adjustment meetings, applications, hearings, proceedings, and correspondence associated with items before the Board of Adjustment, as public records in the office of the Planning Department.

(2) Board of Adjustment Meeting(s ) . Procedures for conducting the Board of Adjustment meetings are as follows:

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