Land Development Ordinance - Amended 11-19-2024

A. Meeting Frequency . The Board of Adjustment shall hold a minimum of one (1) meeting per month, except that if there is no business or items to come before the Board of Adjustment, the chair may cancel the meeting. Once the meeting has been canceled the clerk shall notify all Board of Adjustment members of such action by the chair. If a special meeting is called by the chair the clerk shall notify the Board of Adjustment members and appropriate Town staff of such special meeting and give notification in accordance with North Carolina General Statutes §143-318.12. B. Quorum . No meeting of the Board of Adjustment shall be called to order, nor shall any business be conducted by the Board of Adjustment, without meeting the proper voting requirements in §9-1753 Board of Adjustment, m. Voting of this Article. C. Rules of Procedures . The Board of Adjustment shall, by a majority vote of the entire membership, adopt rules of procedures (by-laws) governing its procedure, order and actions as it may consider necessary or advisable.


Members of the Planning Board and Board of Adjustment may attend conferences, workshops and seminars that are funded through the Planning Department budget adopted by the Town Board of Commissioners.

a. Financial Assistance

Assistance in the performance of their duties may be permitted with reasonable registration fees and travel expenses incidental to such attendance paid for a Planning Board or Board of Adjustment member.

(1) Budget for Education . The Planning Director shall present such anticipated educational functions, with associated costs to the Town Manager for consideration during the annual budget process. (2) Approval Process . The educational functions approved in the annual budget shall be submitted to the chairs of the Planning Board and/or Board of Adjustment. The chair shall approve any member attending any approved educational functions.

(3) Attendance at Member’s Expense . A member may request compensation to attend a function not approved but relevant to their performance as a Planning Board or

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