d. Architectural Standards
Administrative approval of architectural standards for all nonresidential uses, mixed-use and multi-family developments.
e. Development Phase Adjustment
Administrative approval of phase line additions and adjustments after the original preliminary subdivision plat is approved by the Town Board of Commissioners.
Pursue Federal, State and local grants for planning needs and opportunities to improve the quality of life, reduce financial burdens and support the public safety and welfare of the Town and its citizens.
g. Home Occupation Review
Review and approve applications for home occupations.
h. Interpretation
Render interpretations of all provisions of the Land Development Ordinance, including interpretation of the text, interpretation of the zoning district boundaries, and determination of whether an unspecified use falls within a use classification allowed in a zoning district.
Landscape Plan Review
Administrative approval of landscaping plans and plant substitutions.
Letter of Zoning Compliance
Make determinations and approve or disapprove a use within a zoning district through a letter of zoning compliance.
k. Maintain Official Plans & Records
The Planning Director shall maintain the Official Zoning Map and other plans and documentation to support and advise Town staff and the public on all matters associated
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