Land Development Ordinance - Amended 11-19-2024

B. Application Submittal . The applicant shall submit a special use permit application in accordance with the schedule and deadlines provided by the Planning Department for presentations before the Board of Adjustment. A withdrawal of an application shall be in accordance with this Article, specifically Section §9-1806 Application Withdrawal. The permit application shall include a site plan for the proposed special use in addition to the following: i. Site Plan . The site plan shall be drawn to scale and shall include all site plan components in accordance with this Article, z. Site Plan, (3) Site Plan Components. ii. Purpose of Site Plan . The purpose of the site plan as part of the special use application is to provide documentation and information supporting the applicant's testimony to address the finding of facts that the Board of Adjustment must determine meets the required finding of facts. If the Board of the Adjustment approves the application for a special use permit, the Board is not approving the site plan; the Board is only approving the use that may be developed on a property as a special use permit. iii. Neighborhood Meeting. At least one (1) neighborhood meeting is required to be held by the petitioner of any application for a Special Use Permit. The meeting shall be held at least 25 days before the first scheduled quasi-judicial hearing or prior to the legal advertisement being published, whichever comes first, but not before the submittal of the Special Use Permit to Town staff. The neighborhood meeting shall comply with the following procedures: 1. General . The purpose of the neighborhood meeting is to educate adjoining property owners and other interested persons about the proposed application, to receive neighborhood comments, and to address concerns about the proposal. At the neighborhood meeting, the applicant shall explain the application, answer questions, respond to concerns neighbors have about the application and proposed solutions and/or unresolved concerns.

2. Time & Place . The neighborhood meeting shall be held at a place that is generally acceptable to neighbors that reside in close

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