Land Development Ordinance - Amended 11-19-2024

requirements of N.C. Gen. Stat. §105-277.3 and sufficient evidence that the property is being used for a bona fide farm purpose constituted in N.C. Gen. Stat. §160D-903(a).

(20) BORROW (Erosion & Sedimentation Control). The term defining fill material which is required for on-site construction and is obtained from other locations.

(21) BOULEVARD (BLVD). The term defining a street designed for high vehicular capacity and moderate speeds with three (3) or four (4) lanes normally with a right-of-way of 70 to 120 feet, traversing an urbanized area and may include an NC Highway, NCDOT Secondary Road or thoroughfare collector using access management practices required by the Town. Boulevards may be equipped with access lanes buffering sidewalks and buildings. A Boulevard may require a divided median. This term includes a Parkway that has the same characteristics as a Boulevard.

(22) BRACKET. The term defining a projection from a vertical surface providing structural or visual support under cornices, balconies, windows, or any other overhanging member.

Figure – Bracket

(23) BREW PUB. An establishment where the primary use is a restaurant, pub, or tavern and where handcrafted natural beer, ale, wine, mead or liquor are manufactured as an accessory use, intended for consumption on the premises or by sealed containers sold directly to the consumer. See also MICROBREWERY . (24) BREWERY / WINERY. An industrial use that produces alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, including ales, beers, wine meads and/or similar beverages, on-site, over 15,000 barrels per year. Breweries are classified as a use that primarily manufactures such beverages and may or may not include related accessory use(s). (25) BROADCASTING STATION, RADIO/TELEVISION. An establishment, station, or studio, entirely within an enclosed building, primarily engaged in the provision of commercial broadcasting or receiving services accomplished through the use of electronic mechanisms. Typical uses include radio and television broadcasting studios. This term includes movie studio, filming, and recording studio.

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