Land Development Ordinance - Amended 11-19-2024

required on a phase of a project except that which is necessary for establishing a permanent ground cover.

(23) COMPOSTING FACILITY (Watershed Protection). The term defining a facility in which only stumps, limbs, leaves, grass, and untreated wood collected from land disturbing/clearing or landscaping operations is deposited.

(24) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN . The term defining the adopted official statement of the Town of Fuquay-Varina Board of Commissioners setting forth in the form of one (1) or multiple documents identified by words, maps and illustrations, goals, policies, and guidelines designed to direct the present and future physical, social, and economic development that occurs within the Town’s planning jurisdiction, and that includes a unified physical design for the public and private development of land.

(25) CONDITIONAL ZONING . A legislative zoning map amendment with site-specific or use conditions incorporated into the zoning map amendment.

(26) CONDOMINIUM. The term defining a residential development of two (2) or more units in one (1) or more buildings designed and constructed for unit ownership as permitted by the North Carolina Unit Ownership Act. For purposes of the Land Development Ordinance, condominium shall be classified as multi-family development unless specific provisions are otherwise provided. (27) CONFERENCE CENTER. A facility used or intended to be used primarily for service organizations, business and professional conferences, seminars, entertainment events, concerts, plays, Broadway shows, exhibit halls and expositions as a place of meeting, social and cultural activities, sports, performing arts, serving significant segments of the community and other public gatherings and generally open to the public or by membership or fee.

(28) CONFIGURATION. The term defining the form of a building, based on its massing, private frontage and height.

(29) CONSERVATION EASEMENT. The term defining an area within a Planned Unit Development that is dedicated open space or an easement protecting the natural conditions within a property or properties. If land is dedicated or in a conservation easement, all primary areas, as defined in a Planned Unit Development, shall be designated as a conservation easement.

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