Land Development Ordinance - Amended 11-19-2024

(30) CONVENIENCE STORE. An establishment engaged in offering for retail sale a limited line of groceries, beverages, household items and other frequently or reoccurring needed items for household use intended for the convenience of surrounding neighborhoods, which includes gasoline pumps as a principal or accessory use. This term may include moving truck, van and trailer rentals as an ancillary use to the principal use. A convenience store may or may not include gas pumps. (31) CONVENTIONAL SUBDIVISION . The term defining a development or subdivision of land that meets the minimum lot widths, setbacks, lot area and uses permitted within the zoning district in which the development or subdivision is located.

(32) COPING. The term defining a finishing or protective cap or course to an exterior wall usually sloped or curved to shed water.

Figure – Coping

(33) CORBEL. The term defining a series of graduated projections, beginning at the face of the wall and progressing outward and upward, that serves as a support for a top cornice.

Figure – Corbel

(34) CORNER STORE. The term defining a single small-scale retail business, standalone or part of a mixed used building, typically supplying a limited selection of food and other services and sundries.

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