(35) CORNICE. The term defining a continuous horizontal course, structural or nonstructural, which crowns and/or projects outward from the façade at the roof line, including eaves and other roof overhangs.
Figure – Cornice
(36) CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS. The term defining a commercial office where the chief executive officer (and/or other management identified as president, managing partner, or owner) of a Corporation, limited liability company, or other lawful business entity, that employees in excess of 100 total employees, of which a minimum of 10 employees are located at the corporate headquarters and maintains business operations in the Town of Fuquay-Varina and has other locations outside the Town's extraterritorial jurisdiction. Further, such officer has their primary office at such location and is the lawful address of such business entity and maintained as the corporate address on file with the North Carolina Secretary of State's office. (37) COTTAGE HOME. The term defining a single-family detached dwelling on an individual lot or multiple dwelling units on a single lot that fronts on a common green with common cross-access to service as ingress and egress. Such lots are designed as a cluster around a common green and cross access easement. (38) CRITICAL AREA (Watershed Protection). The term defining the area adjacent to a water supply intake reservoir where risk associated with pollution is greater than from the remaining portions of the watershed. The critical area is defined as extending either one- half (1/2) mile from the normal pool elevation of the reservoir in which the intake is located or to the ridgeline of the watershed (whichever comes first); or one-half (1/2) mile upstream from the intake located directly in the stream or river (run of the river), or the ridgeline of the watershed (whichever comes first). Since WS-I watersheds are essentially undeveloped, establishment of a critical area is not required. Local governments may extend the critical area as needed. Major landmarks such as highways or property lines may be used to delineate the outer boundary of the critical area if these landmarks are immediately adjacent to the appropriate outer boundary of the one-half
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