Land Development Ordinance - Amended 11-19-2024

(1/2) mile.

(39) CRITICAL ROOT ZONE . The term defining the area identified around the trunk of a tree or other landscape plant material extending out to the ends of the branches of the tree or other landscape material, to protect the roots from damage through excavating, storing or disturbing this zone. (39) CROP, SOIL PREPARATION, AGRICULTURE SERVICES. Commercial agricultural field and orchard uses including production of field crops, flowers and seeds, fruits, grains, melons, ornamental crops, tree nuts, trees and shrubs, vegetables, and also includes associated crop preparation services and harvesting activities such as mechanical soil preparation, irrigation system construction, spraying, crop processing and sales in the field not involving a permanent structure. State or University agricultural extension services to assist with farm production and management.

(40) CULTURAL ADAPTIVE USE. The adaptive reuse of existing cultural or historically significant properties pursuant to the requirements of the Land Development Ordinance.

(41) CURB CUT. The term defining a lowered or cut-away curb for purposes of ingress or egress to property abutting a public or private street.

(42) CURRENT CONDITIONS HYDROLOGY (Flood Damage Prevention). The term defining the flood discharges associated with the land-use conditions existing within the drainage area of a watercourse at the time a flood study of the watercourse was conducted. Current conditions flood discharges and historical flood study information is published in the Flood Insurance Study. d. (1) DAY CARE, ACCESSORY. A facility that is not the principal use, but serves as an accessory use to the principal use, and is located within the principal use building to serve the employees of the business with day care services. (2) DAY CARE, ANCILLARY TO A PLACE OF WORSHIP. A facility that provides for the care of children that is accessory to a place of worship. Customers of this facility are not necessarily required to be members or employees of the place of worship unless otherwise required by the place of worship.

(3) DAY CARE, COMMERCIAL. Any facility, other than an occupied dwelling unit, operated for the purpose of providing care, protection and guidance for children on a

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