regular basis during part of a 24-hour day, and may include third-shift day care licensed by the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services.
(4) DAY CARE, IN-HOME. A dwelling in which a permanent occupant provides for the daytime care of children or adults and part-time supervision, care, and instruction for periods of less than 24 hours per day, whether or not for compensation and licensed by the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services. (5) DECORATIVE BANNER . The term defining a banner(s) that is typically within a parking lot or along a public or private street with a non-commercial copy decorative display, for example, seasons of the year or holidays for appearance and appeal to the public. (6) DEDICATED OPEN SPACE. The term defining an area within a Planned Unit Development that is dedicated to the Town, the State of North Carolina, a private nonprofit land conservancy, or a homeowners’ association as open space. Dedicated open space shall remain as open space in perpetuity and no portions of all dedicated open space shall be included in any zoning lot dedicated to one (1) of these agencies or association listed herein. (7) DEPARTMENT (Stormwater Management) (Erosion & Sedimentation Control) . The North Carolina Department of Environment Quality (DEQ), formerly the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR).
(9) DESIGN MANUAL (Stormwater Management) . The State Stormwater Design Manual approved by the Department for the proper implementation of the State Minimum Design Criteria for engineered stormwater controls. All references herein to the Design Manual are to the latest published edition or revision. (10) DETERIORATED (Minimum Housing) . The term defining a dwelling that is unfit for human habitation and can be repaired, altered, or improved to comply with all of the minimum standards established by this Article, at a cost not in excess of 50 percent (50%) of its value, as determined by finding of the Inspector.
(11) DEVELOPER. The term defining an individual, business, legal or beneficial owner or owners of property that prepares raw land for construction for use primarily by others. This term includes the holder of an option contract purchase, or other persons having
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