horses, cows, chickens or roosters, and pigs, except as may be permitted elsewhere in accordance with the Land Development Ordinance.
(26) DOOR. The term defining a hinged or sliding panel for closing openings in a wall or at entrances to buildings or rooms.
(27) DORMITORY. The term defining a building intended or used principally for sleeping accommodations where such building is related to an educational or public institution, including religious institutions.
(28) DOWN-ZONING. A change in a zoning ordinance that affects an area of land in one of the following ways:
(1) By decreasing the development density of the land to be less dense than was allowed under its previous usage.
(2) By reducing the permitted uses of the land that are specified in a zoning ordinance or land development regulation to fewer uses than were allowed under its previous usage.
(29) DRIVE (DR) (Form-Based Districts). The term defining a street along the boundary between an urbanized and a natural condition, usually along a waterfront park, or promontory. One side has the urban character of a street, with sidewalk and building, while the other side has the qualities of a road or parkway, with naturalistic planting and rural details. (30) DRIVE-THROUGH. A use to provide a service and convenience for pick-up of merchandise at a predetermined location by motor vehicle without the necessity to enter the business to obtain the merchandise or service. For purposes of the Land Development Ordinance, a drive-through shall be classified as an accessory use unless specific provisions are provided otherwise.
(31) DRIVEWAY. The term defining a private way, beginning at the property line of a lot abutting or permitting access from a public street, road, right-of-way, private street, or easement, and leading to property, a building, use, or structure on that lot.
(32) DRIVING RANGE. A facility or limited area equipped with distance markers, clubs, balls, and fees for practicing golf drives, pitching, and putting from a central area intended for public or private use where a fee is paid to practice, and which may include a snack bar and pro-shop. This term does not include miniature golf courses.
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