(33) DRY-CLEANING/LAUNDROMAT. An establishment where the public may wash and dry clothing or other fabrics in washing and drying machines operated by the public. This term includes a laundromat and dry-cleaning service with public drop-off and pick-up, where the establishment washes, dries, irons, presses and cleans clothing for the public, and other materials for dry cleaning or laundering. (34) DUPLEX. The term defining a residence on a single lot containing two (2) dwelling units designed for or occupied by two (2) single individual families only, with separate housekeeping and cooking facilities for each.
(35) DWELLING (Minimum Housing). A building uses, intended, or designed to be used, rented, leased, let, or hired out to be occupied for living purposes.
(36) DWELLING UNIT. A single unit providing complete, independent living facilities for one (1) or more persons, including permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking, and sanitation.
(1) EASEMENT. The term defining a legal interest in land authorized by a property owner and granted to another individual, corporation, company, government agency, or legal entity which allows the individual(s), corporation, company, government agency, or legal entity the use all or a portion of the property owner’s land, generally for a stated purpose including but not limited to access, utilities, drainage ways, greenways, and roadways; and recorded as a legal document, for use of all or a portion of the property owner’s land. (2) EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES. Any public or private, secondary, elementary parochial, charitable, or nonprofit school, college or university or similar educational institutions for the academic instruction and cultivation of the mind and clear sense of moral and spiritual values. This definition does not include trade or business schools or include any institution or organization directed primarily to physical training or development, or physical or manipulative skills.
(3) EFFECTIVE TURNING RADIUS. The term defining the measurement of the inside turning radius taking on-street parked cars into account.
(4) ELECTRIC CHARGING STATION, VEHICLE. Premises where a structure and/or appurtenant facilities are provided for charging or recharging vehicles operated principally by electricity.
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