Land Development Ordinance - Amended 11-19-2024

Districts. The purpose of this district is to create new residential development and to support existing residential uses in this district, but also permit a limited mix of nonresidential uses, including retail and office, based on standards specifically applying to this district. This district may accommodate residential uses not to exceed ten (10) dwelling units per gross acre with public utilities, as provided. See Appendix C Town Center Residential District. A primary focus will be infill development and redevelopment, maintain existing residential uses or converting these uses to an office or live/work establishment, permit some unique types of residential housing, including cottages and row houses with a minimum lot frontage and greater lot depth, accessory dwelling units and corner store or office uses.


Floating form-based zoning districts are established by application only and are a form-based regulatory provision, where requirements for design and standards of structures on zoning lots are applied.

a. Residential Mixed-Use (RMU) Zoning District

The Residential Mixed-Use (RMU) Zoning District is appropriate on a property based on defined standards that include predetermined urban centers at major intersections and predetermined corridors along major arterial thoroughfares. A specific set of standards and regulations apply to the Residential Mixed-Use (RMU) Zoning District, in accordance with Appendix B RMU, CMU & EMU Form-Based Districts of the Land Development Ordinance. The Residential Mixed-Use (RMU) Zoning District consists of housing types and residential densities, integrated with goods and services in a walkable center that residents visit on a daily basis. Uses and buildings in the center are located on small blocks with streets designed to encourage pedestrian activity. Public utilities are required.

b. Commercial Mixed-Use (CMU) Zoning District

The Commercial Mixed-Use (CMU) Zoning District is appropriate on a property based on defined standards that include predetermined urban centers at major intersections and predetermined corridors along major arterial thoroughfares. A specific set of standards and regulations apply to the Commercial Mixed-Use (CMU) Zoning District, in accordance with Appendix B RMU, CMU & EMU Form-Based Districts of the Land Development Ordinance. The Commercial Mixed-Use (CMU) Zoning District consists of primarily commercial and office uses, including general retail, restaurants, professional office, etc. Residential uses, including a mixture of housing types and residential densities, surround a commercial center. Public utilities are required.

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