Land Development Ordinance - Amended 11-19-2024


Where the principal uses within a development fall in different “use categories”, each principal use shall be classified or treated individually, and each use shall be subject to all applicable regulations for that use. The exception to this requirement is within the Downtown Center-1 (DC-1), Downtown Center-2 (DC-2), Residential Mixed-Use (RMU), Commercial Mixed-Use (CMU) and Employment Mixed-Use (EMU) Zoning Districts where the requirements of the zoning district applies or in a mixed-use development where the requirements of the use shall apply. A development comprised of separate uses shall be reviewed using the most restrictive requirements and process from among the proposed uses.


a. Purpose

Use classifications summarize the principal uses permitted in the specific zoning districts. All uses under the “use classification” in the Permitted Use Table are defined in Article S Interpretation & Definitions.

b. Interpretation of Permitted Use Table

(1) Uses Permitted by Right . A “P” indicates that a use is allowed as a matter of right in the perspective zoning district, subject to compliance with all applicable regulations in the Land Development Ordinance.

(2) Special Use Permit . A “ S ” indicates that a use may be permitted in the respective district only when approved by the Board of Adjustment, Article Q Procedures & Administration. Special Use Permits are subject to all other applicable requirements of the Land Development Ordinance, including all applicable use standards, additional conditions, or specific modifications by the Board of Adjustment as part of a special use permit approval. (3) Uses with Conditions . A “P*” indicates that a use may be subject to certain conditions, for example the use may have standards in one (1) district but may have additional standards in a different district. (4) Uses Not Permitted . A blank cell indicates that a use type is not permitted in the respective zoning district, unless it is expressly allowed by other regulations of the Land Development Ordinance.

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