(13) THINNING (Clear Cutting/Tree Protection). The term defining a tree removal practice that reduces tree density and composition between trees in a stand. Thinning concentrates growth on fewer high-quality trees and generally enhances tree vigor. (14) THEATER. The term defining a structure in whole or part used for dramatic, operatic, movie theater, or other performances, for rehearsal, television, music video, multimedia or other related activities for admission to which entrance money is received and no audience participation or formal sit-down meal service is allowed. This term is a retail establishment. See RETAIL SALES & SERVICE . (15) THOROUGHFARE. A facility type that allows for moderate to low mobility and high access. This facility type is further identified as MAJOR or MINOR and is defined elsewhere in this Article. (16) TIRE SALES & SERVICE. An establishment where the principal or secondary business is the sale and installation of new, used, or retreaded tires This term includes minor vehicle repair services such as tune-ups, brake adjustments, lubrication, but excluding body work, overhauling, and painting.
(17) TOBACCO AND/OR CBD RETAILER. The primary sales and/or distribution of:
A. any product containing, made, or derived from tobacco, nicotine, or CBD that is intended for human consumption, whether smoked, heated, chewed, absorbed, dissolved, inhaled, snorted, sniffed, or ingested by any other means, including, but not limited to cigarettes, cigars, little cigars, chewing tobacco, pipe tobacco, snuff; and B. any electronic device that delivers nicotine, CBD or other substances to the person inhaling from the device, including, but not limited to, an electronic cigarette, electronic cigar, electronic pipe, vape, or electronic hookah. C. Tobacco and/or CBD retailer shall also mean any person who primarily sells, offers for sale, or does or offers to exchange for any form of consideration, tobacco, tobacco products, or tobacco paraphernalia.
(18) TOTAL NITROGEN (Stormwater Management). Means the sum of the organic, nitrate, nitrite, and ammonia forms of nitrogen in water.
(19) TOWING SERVICE & STORAGE. The use of land for the operation of a business primarily engaged in the towing of vehicles with no sales or repair activity occurring on the lot and/or the temporary storage of operable or in operable vehicles prior to retrieval
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